Domestic Water Training & Assessment Courses

Water Regulations - 1 day course

This course is for anyone requiring an understanding of water regulations/water byelaws.

Certification of this course will go towards some of the entry requirements of meeting the criteria to join a Competent Persons Scheme.

This course covers the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 (England and Wales) and the Water Byelaws 2000 (Scotland) and meets the requirements of WRAS (the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) of which the majority of the UK water companies are members.

There are two distinct manuals, one for England/Wales and one for Scotland, as some regulations differ north of the border. The manual for England/Wales covers the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, while the one for Scotland references the Water Byelaws 2000.

Legionella - 1 day course

A one day training and assessment course covering Legionella awareness and management.

The course will help learners comply with their legal duties including identifying and assessing sources of risk, preparing a scheme to prevent or control risk, implementing, managing and monitoring precautions and keeping records of control measures taken.

On completion of the training, candidates will have a better understanding of the requirements of all relevant standards (L8).

Note: The course does not cover the commercial aspect of water treatment such as cooling towers

G3 - Unvented Hot Water - 1 day course

This course is ideal for candidates who want to gain knowledge of installation, commissioning and servicing of unvented hot water systems in accordance with current legislation.

 •  Relevant aspects of the Water Regulations, Building Regulations, British Standards and other related legislation.

 •  Unsafe situations and emergency actions.

 •  Pipework (including sizing, installation, defects and faults).

 •  Testing (covers standing and working pressures, flow rates).

 •  Safety controls.

 •  Installation requirements.

 •  Commissioning and servicing.